Friday, May 9, 2014


So, I know most people would focus on Miriam's judgment in Numbers 12. But, while that's important, I'm captivated by something else. Notice God's words in verses 6-8? He says that He speaks with Moses "mouth to mouth" and that Moses "beholds the form of the Lord". Reading that, it hit me that one day, that will be me. I'll get to see Christ's form. I'll get to speak with Him face-to-face (if I can get off my knees!). How awesome is that?

Have you ever sat and thought about that? What will He look like? What will I do when I see Him? I know the song "I Can Only Imagine" poses that very question, and while I like the song well enough, I've always thought, "Of course I'm going to be on my knees, duh." But will I? I don't know. It's so difficult to envision this scenario. My mind is too darkened to even try to get a pixel of this image.

Luckily, His Word does give us some clues. We know that in Exodus 33 and 34, Moses was told that he could only see the back of God passing by, because no man could see His face and live. Yet when Moses came down from the mountain, he had to shield his face with a veil because it was shining so brightly with the reflected glory - just from the Lord's back!

Then we look to Matthew 17, where we behold the transfiguration of Jesus. We're told that "His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became white as light". (verse 2) Peter's reaction, of course, is to jump in to do something and to speak before thinking. But after hearing the voice of God, all of the disciples fall to their knees. What does this mean for us? I don't really know the answer to that question. Maybe it means that our reactions will be different depending on our personalities. Maybe it means that no one can stand before the face of God, even the bravest (or foolhardy, as the case may be). Either way, we know that when we finally see the face of our Lord, He will be light!

But some of the most interesting pictures of what we can expect to see are in Revelation. In chapter 1, verses 9-20, we see John's first vision of Christ. John says that He is clothed in a long robe with a golden sash; his hair is white, with eyes like flames, and feet of burnished bronze. His voice sounds like many waters - we'll hear nothing else. From His mouth comes a sharp two-edged sword (the Word), and again, His face is shining like the sun at its brightest. What an image! I think John has the most appropriate action in the world - he falls at His feet as one dead. I'm pretty sure I would, too. Yet what a beautiful picture we see when Christ tells John not to fear and reminds John of who He is.

We see Him next in Revelation 4. We're told here that he has the appearance of jasper and carnelian, with a rainbow around his throne that looks like an emerald (not quite sure how that works, but I can't wait to see it!). Lightning and thunder emerges from the throne with a sea of glass in front of it. Creatures fly around the throne, proclaiming His glory and honor. Next to this throne of God stands a slain Lamb, with seven horns and seven eyes. Without getting into all of the symbolism vs. realism debate of Revelation, can you picture this? Me neither! I'm awestruck at this description of God and Christ. I can't even conjure up the tiniest image of what this looks like. My mind has absolutely nothing to compare it to. It's like trying to invent a new color. It just can't be done!

My favorite picture of Christ, though, is in Revelation 19. He appears on a white horse with flaming eyes. He comes to make war. He has many diadems on His head and a name written that only He knows. His robe has been dipped in blood and He is called the Word of God. A sharp sword protrudes from His mouth and the name "King of kinds and Lord of lords" is written on His robe and His thigh. Again, I can just barely, fuzzily picture this. What makes this my favorite is that it is so triumphant. I feel like when we see Him like this, if there has ever been the tinest seed of doubt in anyone's mind about who will win this war, it will be erased in the blink of an eye.

THIS IS OUR GOD. This is the One whom we desire to see. He is the One that we serve. It is He who has already won this war, the conquering Creator, the Lion of Judah! Amen! While I may not know what my reaction will be, and I'm pretty sure I will be down on my knees, face buried in the ground, I can't wait to see Him! I long for the day when He might lay His hand on me and tell me not to be afraid. I can't wait to speak with him "mouth to mouth", to walk with Him and talk with Him and sing His praises with the angels before His throne. Hallelujah!

Lord, you are an awesome God. What feeble words can I even offer to give You the praise You so richly deserve? You are magnificent beyond all measure. Forgive me for thinking less of You than You truly are. I pray that someday, I may see your shining face and speak with You. I pray that I will sing praises to You with words I don't even know yet, words more suitable to describe Your glory and majesty. Thank You, Lord, that even though You are so far above me, that You love me anyway. Amen.
  • Current Mood: excited excited

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