Sunday, May 11, 2014

All to Us

So let the glory of your name be the passion of the church.
Let the righteousness of God be a holy flame that burns.
Let the saving love of Christ be the measure of our lives.
We believe You're all to us!

How I pray that we can sing this in truth. This is the prayer of my heart. Those words are what I desire to see and to have others see in my church, in my work, in my home, in my life. When someone looks at me, I don't really even want them to see me. I just want them to see the One who lives in me.

Friends, I'm not going to do a journal tonight based on a passage of Scripture or even on the amazing sermon we heard today. Instead, I ask that you look back at the entry from last Saturday and from yesterday. Specifically, I want you to study the Scriptures concerning who Christ is. Go ahead, I'll wait.


Are you back? Okay, great. Were you moved? Are you in awe? Are you filled with wonder? Do you feel your heart stirring in admiration, appreciation, thanksgiving, and praise? Good, because you should. This God, so far beyond us, loves us! How can we not sing to Him? How can we not worship Him? How can we not pray to Him? How can we not serve Him by serving those around us? How can we not listen attentively to His Word faithfully preached? How can we not study it daily on our own? HOW CAN WE NOT GIVE OUR ALL TO HIM WHEN HE HAS GIVEN ALL TO US?

Okay, so maybe there's a touch of today's sermon here. But I have been thinking, praying, and praising Him all day today, and I've just been struck anew with the wonder of our Savior. I hope you are, too.

Lord, you are amazing. How do I describe you? Words are not enough. Emotions are not enough. All I can do is bow before You and offer You my all. Feeble as my life is, Lord, it's already Yours, anyway. I pray that You would take it and use me in whatever way You see fit. Forgive me for holding anything back. I'm desperate for You and Your grace, Lord. Amen.

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