Monday, May 26, 2014


Reading through Numbers 19 this morning, my first thought was how does any of this apply to me today? Then God opened my eyes and I saw the reason and the grace behind this chapter.

I don't know if this is the connection God intended for me to make with this, but here's what I saw. The gist of the chapter is laws for purification after someone or something has come into contact with someone or something that is dead. We don't follow these laws anymore, but it did hit me why this was so important to God. His holy presence dwelt among the Israelites. Okay, keep that in mind and then think about what death is. Death is a direct consequence of sin. Before sin came into the world, there was no death - it wasn't "natural", it was a punishment for sin. So, an Israelite who came into contact with death couldn't be in the holy presence of God within the camp. Make sense?

Which got me to thinking how lucky I am that I've been freed from the consequences of sin: hell and death. Sure, my mortal body will die, but I have eternal life, which without Christ conquering sin for meew, I wouldn't have. What amazing grace! This is so awesome!

And all from a chapter I thought would be hard to apply...

Lord, thank You that You are a holy God. I praise You for Your perfection in all ways. Lord, I am humbled to know that You died the death I deserved to save me from Your wrath against my sins. Lord, You bore my punishment, a punishment You would mete out in full justice. It's a truth too wonderful to be anything but fact, too mind-boggling to be anything but truth. You are amazing and so is Your grace. Thank You! Amen.

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