First of all, sorry I didn't post anything last night. I went to my mom's for my birthday dinner (which was excellent!). By the time that I got home and showered, I was ready for bed! Forgive me?
Today I studied through Numbers 13. This is where Moses sends men from each of the tribes of Israel to spy out the land that God was giving to them (Canaan). Of the twelve men that go out, only Caleb wanted to move forward. Usually, we focus on Caleb's faith in God; we like to zero in on how he trusted that God had said He would give the Israelites this land, and so Caleb wasn't intimidated by what he found there, because he knew that God would bring them through. Now, that is an awesome lesson of this event, but instead of looking at Caleb, I want to look at the other men, the ones who didn't want to move forward.
Have you ever wondered what was holding them back? They were operating on the same information that Caleb was, after all. They knew that God had promised them the land of Canaan. They knew that this was their opportunity to go in and take it. They had seen how God provided for them time after time. They walked with His clouds, His fire, His presence. How could they doubt?
I think that we all too often sneer at these men and ridicule them for their faithlessness, but aren't we the same? Don't we let opportunities pass by ourselves? Think about it. Have you ever had the chance to move, but the thought of leaving what you know behind scares you? Have you had the chance to witness to someone, but the fear of man held you back? Have you wanted to make a change in "the establishment" (for lack of a better term), but it seemed like everyone else was too well entrenched for you to make a difference? Have you ever known that you need to stand up to someone or stand up for Christ, but you know that your opponent is larger than you are, be it physically, in intelligence, or what-have-you?
If so, you're in the exact same boat as these men! They came back with all kinds of excuses - the people are too big, the cities are too fortified, et cetera, et cetera. Don't we do the same thing? We say we honor God and trust Him in one breath, and then in the next we cower back from opportunities that, for all we know, are God-given! What if God put you in an office with an unbelieving boss so that you could be light to him/her? What if God is calling you to move to the next state over because He has a purpose for you there? What if you're squirming in your seat at that PTA meeting because God wants you to speak up and change something at your child's school? What if your conscience is troubling you because you know you need to confront a fellow believer with their sin and pray over them and help guide them to repentance? What if, what if...
Do you want your life to be filled with "what ifs"? And for such silly reasons as man's opinion, fear of the unknown...pride? Listen, we've got the same information as Caleb and those other men did. We know that God is with us. Why should we fear to lay hold of the opportunities He puts in our path? I'm not saying just charge ahead willfully and go blundering along, hoping it all works out. Sure, we need to prayerfully approach each situation that arises, but then we need to move forward in faith.
What have you been holding back from? Who have you been holding back from? Spend some time in prayer about how to rightfully approach the situation, and then act.
Lord, I bring You praise. I am so thankful for the opportunities that You give me each day to profess my faith, to seek after You, to spread Your gospel in this darkened world. Forgive me for the times when I've stood still instead of moving forward in faith. Grant me another opportunity where I've failed and send more my way - not for my own selfish pride or to try to make up for what I've missed, but because I determine here and now to respond in faith when presented with these chances. Give me eyes to see the need, and ears to hear what You would have me say. Give me the strength and courage to act. In Your name I pray, amen.
Today I studied through Numbers 13. This is where Moses sends men from each of the tribes of Israel to spy out the land that God was giving to them (Canaan). Of the twelve men that go out, only Caleb wanted to move forward. Usually, we focus on Caleb's faith in God; we like to zero in on how he trusted that God had said He would give the Israelites this land, and so Caleb wasn't intimidated by what he found there, because he knew that God would bring them through. Now, that is an awesome lesson of this event, but instead of looking at Caleb, I want to look at the other men, the ones who didn't want to move forward.
Have you ever wondered what was holding them back? They were operating on the same information that Caleb was, after all. They knew that God had promised them the land of Canaan. They knew that this was their opportunity to go in and take it. They had seen how God provided for them time after time. They walked with His clouds, His fire, His presence. How could they doubt?
I think that we all too often sneer at these men and ridicule them for their faithlessness, but aren't we the same? Don't we let opportunities pass by ourselves? Think about it. Have you ever had the chance to move, but the thought of leaving what you know behind scares you? Have you had the chance to witness to someone, but the fear of man held you back? Have you wanted to make a change in "the establishment" (for lack of a better term), but it seemed like everyone else was too well entrenched for you to make a difference? Have you ever known that you need to stand up to someone or stand up for Christ, but you know that your opponent is larger than you are, be it physically, in intelligence, or what-have-you?
If so, you're in the exact same boat as these men! They came back with all kinds of excuses - the people are too big, the cities are too fortified, et cetera, et cetera. Don't we do the same thing? We say we honor God and trust Him in one breath, and then in the next we cower back from opportunities that, for all we know, are God-given! What if God put you in an office with an unbelieving boss so that you could be light to him/her? What if God is calling you to move to the next state over because He has a purpose for you there? What if you're squirming in your seat at that PTA meeting because God wants you to speak up and change something at your child's school? What if your conscience is troubling you because you know you need to confront a fellow believer with their sin and pray over them and help guide them to repentance? What if, what if...
Do you want your life to be filled with "what ifs"? And for such silly reasons as man's opinion, fear of the unknown...pride? Listen, we've got the same information as Caleb and those other men did. We know that God is with us. Why should we fear to lay hold of the opportunities He puts in our path? I'm not saying just charge ahead willfully and go blundering along, hoping it all works out. Sure, we need to prayerfully approach each situation that arises, but then we need to move forward in faith.
What have you been holding back from? Who have you been holding back from? Spend some time in prayer about how to rightfully approach the situation, and then act.
Lord, I bring You praise. I am so thankful for the opportunities that You give me each day to profess my faith, to seek after You, to spread Your gospel in this darkened world. Forgive me for the times when I've stood still instead of moving forward in faith. Grant me another opportunity where I've failed and send more my way - not for my own selfish pride or to try to make up for what I've missed, but because I determine here and now to respond in faith when presented with these chances. Give me eyes to see the need, and ears to hear what You would have me say. Give me the strength and courage to act. In Your name I pray, amen.
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