Thursday, June 26, 2014

Oracles upon Oracles

Really quickly, before we get into Numbers 24, I want to rejoice with you and thank God for faithful preachers. Since I quit teaching 2nd and 3rd graders on Wednesday nights, I get to be in service, which is really awesome. My first chance for this was last night. Apparently, we're studying through Exodus right now. Last night's sermon was on Exodus 22:1-15. Basically, it's a bunch of laws dealing with retribution. But here's the cool thing: Nick reminded us that all of Scripture points to Christ, and then made an awesome connection that I never would have made. We were in debt to God because of our sin. We owe him perfect obedience, but stole it from Him to glorify ourselves, hence the debt. But Christ paid it! And He paid it twofold, by living the perfect life of obedience we can't, and then dying on the cross in our place for the punishment of our sins. How awesome is that?

Okay, so for Numbers 24. This is the "finishing out" of Balaam's oracles, or blessings. What's cool about this to me is that there is a bit of prophecy in the second oracle (actually, the final one but the second in tonight's chapter) and you can see it in two ways.

One, these events point to the things that will happen during King David's reign. That would be accurate. I think there's a deeper meaning, too, though. I think this also points to Christ. Look at it! "I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near: a star shall come out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel..." To me, that speaks of Christ. Even applying the rest of it to David, you can still look at it in light of Jesus, too. It talks about the destruction of the enemies of Israel and his dominion. If you take that and apply it to Christ, He has defeated the greatest enemy of His people on the cross. He's overcome our sin. And He's certainly ruler over all! Also the "crush the forehead of Moab" part sounds vaguely reminiscent of Genesis 3:15 to me. (That's right, I'm not quoting it for you - go look it up and see if you agree!)

Anyway, I thought that was pretty cool, especially in light of Nick's reminder last night that all Scripture points to Christ.

Father, thank You for sending Your Son to be our Defender, our Redeemer, our Victorious One. And thank You for accepting His life and death in place of my own for my sins. Lord, You died the death I deserve, and You did it while my heart was still far from You. Lord, I love to look back at my life and see how You have orchestrated everything on my path for my good and Your glory. You've poured blessing upon blessing on me that I simply don't deserve. You are amazing! Dwell with and in me, Lord, that I might be a light in the darkness and share Your gospel. In Your name I pray, amen.

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